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Summer Salary

Summer salary is any compensation paid during the summer period to a faculty member in excess of his or her academic year salary. Summer period covers May 16 through August 15. A request for summer salary indicates a commitment to put forth the comparable effort on the particular project(s) during the summer, not the academic year. Effort expended during the academic year does not satisfy a commitment related to the receipt of summer salary.

All effort devoted and corresponding salary charged to sponsored projects must be in compliance with sponsor and University policies. Committed effort on a sponsored project should be devoted exclusively to the activity supported by that sponsored project. Other activities performed during the summer months, e.g. any administrative or academic activities, vacation, writing new proposals, may not be charged to sponsored projects.

All faculty who will receive supplemental pay on sponsored research and all administrative staff who facilitate a part of summer salary must take the summer salary tutorial ( every year.

While requesting summer salary, faculty need to provide the project number(s) and amount(s) of monthly allowable salary on the Supplemental Pay form if they wish to be paid.

Additional Compensation Regulations