Proposal Timeline
When a funding opportunity is identified please use the CNR Proposal Details Form to allow accurate creation of your upcoming Proposal Submission. Email questions to:
Please use the following Timeline to allow a thorough documentation review and timely proposal submission.
8 business days before due date
Please send the following:
- project title
- start/end dates
- list of co-PIs
- abstract
- draft internal budget
- draft budget justification
5 business days before due date
- DRAFT Proposal
- FINAL budget
- FINAL budget justification
- Cost Match Documentation/Approval
3 business days before due date
- All FINAL and FULL Proposal Documents
- PINS approvals are complete and must be at the college level
- Please note that all proposals will be reviewed in the order they are received.
- On the day of submission the PI must be available to review proposal drafts.
- We will make every effort to submit all proposals but cannot guarantee timely review or submission if the submission timeline is not met.
- Adherence to College timeline will ensure that the CNR Office of Research Administration can meet the Timely Proposal Submission Policy established by SPARCS, (Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance Services).