As a member of CPA, our Hodges Technical Service Center offers full capability to accommodate both of their testing standards, ANSI A208.1 Particleboard and ANSI A208.2 Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF). Based on your requirements and/or preferences, we also specialize in ASTM D1037 test methods.
- ANSI A208.1-2022 Particleboard
- 4.3 Physical and mechanical properties
- 4.3.1 Moisture content
- 4.3.2 Linear expansion
- 4.3.3 Thickness swell
- 4.3.4 Durability of exterior glue bonding system
- 4.3.5 Internal bond (IB)
- 4.3.6 Modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE)
- 4.3.7 Hardness
- 4.3.8 Face screw-holding capacity
- 4.3.9 Edge screw-holding capacity
- 4.3.10 Concentrated loading
- 4.3 Physical and mechanical properties
- ANSI A208.2-2022 Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) for Interior Applications
- 4.3 Physical and mechanical properties
- 4.3.1 Moisture content
- 4.3.2 Linear expansion (LE)
- 4.3.3 Thickness swell (TS)
- 4.3.4 Reduced thickness swell
- 4.3.5 Advanced bond integrity
- 4.3.6 Modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE)
- 4.3.7 Internal bond (IB)
- 4.3.8 Face screw-holding capacity
- 4.3.9 Edge screw-holding capacity
- 4.3 Physical and mechanical properties
- ASTM D1037 Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Properties of Wood-Base Fiber and Particle Panel Materials
- 7. Accelerated Aging
- 9. Stating bending
- 10. Tension Parallel to Surface
- 11. Tension Perpendicular to Surface (Internal Bond)
- 13. Lateral Nail Resistance
- 14. Nail Withdrawal
- 15. Nail-Head Pull-Through
- 16. Direct Screw Withdrawal
- 17. Hardness
- 18. Falling Ball Impact