Day 4 and 5 – Free Weekend in Jyväskylä and Sauna Boat
Day 4 and 5 – by Gigi Gauthier
Saturday: After months of anticipation of “sauna” paired with “boating” per Dr. Byrd, the day had finally come. We had a casual morning in the hotel and most of the group opted to go on a trail walk before loading the bus and heading to the pier in downtown Jyväskylä for the afternoon. Pictured is the group’s trail expedition.
Before heading to the sauna boats, the group explored the city. Pictured below is an ambitious group that decided to get their steps in and climb to the highest point in the city “Harju”. After this we gathered some groceries to grill on the boat for lunch and headed to the docks!
The group split into smaller groups that would better fit on the sauna boats. Pictured below are the sauna boats. They had a steam sauna, hot tub, and upper deck with a grill and seating. We had quite a nice set up.
But alas, a riff in the plan!!! As you can not have your cake and eat it too, one of the sauna boats wouldn’t start! So half of the group ended up having a “docked” sauna boat party that lasted into the evening. The group had a blast and was still able to go from the sauna and jump into the frigid water all afternoon.
In the evening we retreated to our hotels to shower and chill before heading to watch the Eurovision finals with some locals at a restaurant down the street from our hotel. The group took over the restaurant, played poker and sang songs. What an exciting time to be in Finland! This American Idol like tradition was started as a way to unify Europe after World War II. Each country sends a musician/band/artist to compete with a song and this series has been culminating for weeks. Finland was competing in the final round with a cheerful song called “Cha Cha Cha” that had won the hearts of many Europeans as well as 48 NCSU students. Finland won 2nd place which wasn’t what the locals were hoping for but still an amazing finish nonetheless.
Sunday: This day was spent exploring Jyväskylä and resting up after the exciting activities from the day before. We moved to a new hotel in the most walkable part of the city. Some of the group split off and played golf. We found that most of the shops were closed but ventured back to the highest point in the city. Suddenly the sky opened up and it started downpouring out of nowhere. Most of the group was stranded outside and had a fun, rainy, run/walk back to the hotel which we were told, we looked like “drowned rats”. Pictured is some of the group out and about.
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