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NC State PINS System

The NCSU Project Information and Navigation System (PINS) is your key to a successful proposal submission.  PINS serves multiple functions:

  • Notifies the CNR Research Office of your intent to submit, allowing us to schedule staff around the busiest times 
  • Ensures compliance with COI regulations
  • Routes approvals to all necessary signatories (there are many)
  • Conveys necessary information to SPARCS if your research is selected for funding

Because PINS is so central to the submission process, it is necessary that each PI knows their PINS entries and the information contained within each PINS entry.  

The first step is to request a new PINS # for your intended submit.  All principal investigators in CNR should notify the Research Office and create the Project Information and Navigation System (PINS) record at least eight (8) days prior to the proposal submission deadline.  Please use this form:

You will be notified after the PINS entry has been created.  Next, visit the PINS system, look up your PINS entry, and verify all information.  In particular, verify the dates and the title. 

After your proposal is submitted (by yourself or by the Research Office), verify that the latest versions of all required documents have been updated.  SPARCS will use these to begin developing a contract if you are selected for funding. 

If you have any questions or issues with PINS, please contact the CNR Research Office or call the SPARCS Help Desk at: (919) 515-4267.