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VTT and Valmet

by guest bloggers Westlet Decker, Nelessa Lewis and Nathan Woods

Today we left early for the VTT research center. Got lost on the way, but still made it by 9:30. Jani Lehto was our tour guide and gave us a thorough presentation on the history of VTT and major projects including bioeconomy studies, biofuels, and foam forming. Foam forming was especially interesting since it allows for a reduction in water usage and energy consumption through the entire paper machine.

After the presentation, we were able to tour the pilot plant. We got to see the paper machine where foam forming research is conducted. This machine was especially interesting because there are several pieces on the wet end that traditional machines do not have.

Around 11:30 we left VTT on the way to Valmet’s board and paper technology plant. After eating lunch Timo Kujala began a presentation discussing Valmet’s history, current operations, and the plan for touring their facilities.

The first tour was of the two pilot scale machines and labs. The paper machines were essentially a three foot center cut of a full size machine. The machines could be arranged to match almost any industry set up and are used to improve efficiency and test current and prospective technologies. Between the two machines, 10,000 trials have been conducted since being installed.

After the pilot plant tour we walked to the workshops. We were able to see EVERY part of a paper machine being fabricated from head boxes to rewinders. The tour was GREAT! Being able to see individual pieces of a machine at various stages of construction was an excellent experience and no one wanted to leave!

At 4:00 we left Valmet and headed to JAMK. We got to meet some students from Middle Tennessee State University participating in a study abroad program. We discussed the differences between American and Finnish cultures over coffee and snacks. Afterwards we said our farewells to Annelli and headed to Tampere.

The night in Tampere was a free night for everybody to find dinner and explore the town. Overall it was an excellent day and everybody was extremely grateful for Valmet and VTT’s hospitality.

Moi moi!